Many retirees organize their new schedules around their hobbies and interests. Rather than squeezing all your practice and learning into off hours and weekends, you can now invest more of your time into the activities that will make this new stage of your life more fulfilling. Here are some examples of the synergies retirees can create between what they love to do and what their community needs.
For many people, buying a home fulfills a dream that's tied to important personal, professional, and financial goals. The feeling that they would be abandoning that dream can be a big reason why homeowners resist the idea of downsizing and renting in retirement. But as you age, owning can create a series of challenges that might affect the Return on Life
Lee McGowan |
There’s a reason Fear of Missing Out has its own acronym; it’s an incredibly common affliction. When we combine FOMO with recency bias, we humans are especially prone to sabotaging our own best interests in fair markets and foul.
Believe it or not social media scams have been picking more pockets than any other scam today––including phone call and text fraud. 1 There have been more than $2.7 billion in losses to social media scams between January 2021 and June 2023. 2 And whether or not you’ve seen these cons in action, they don’t look the same today as they did even a year ago. 2 They’re becoming more personalized and harder to detect...
Lee McGowan |
The money lessons that kids learn from their parents can help instill habits that will improve their Return on Life. ​​​​​​​You can teach these three simple financial lessons to your kids with activities that illustrate the basics of financial planning.
Current events matter, and this year, the 2024 Presidential Elections are taking center stage. It’s raising a lot of questions about investing in election years, how to respond to market uncertainty, and what money moves truly make sense. Here’s a handful of key factors to keep in mind when you’re investing in an election year.
As we wrap up another eventful year, it's a tradition to pause and reflect on the past twelve months. It's a time to celebrate successes, learn from setbacks, and set intentions for the year ahead. Let's consider the lessons 2023 has brought us, both personally and economically.
Lee McGowan |
Ah, we restless humans. Sometimes, it pays to strive for greener grass. But as an investor, second-guessing a stable strategy can leave you in the weeds. Trading in reaction to excitement or fear tricks you into buying high (chasing popular trends) and selling low (fleeing misfortunes), while potentially incurring unnecessary taxes and transaction costs.