Lee McGowan |
Teens are adults in training and an important part of your family's financial picture. Help them build good habits so they're ready for the future.
Lee McGowan, CFA, CFP® |
What would you do with your time if you weren’t working 40 hours every week? Everyone has a different idea of what they want retirement to look like, whether it involves traveling the world or staying comfortable at home.
Lee McGowan, CFA, CFP® |
With tax season well underway, tax scams are likely to become more prevalent. If you’re unsure if a message you’ve received is legitimate or fraud, here are some red flags to watch out for.
Lee McGowan, CFA, CFP® |
In life and in finances, the difference between success and failure may lie in the choices you make daily – not one monumentally bad decision. Once you've recognized your behaviors, you can start to build a plan to improve them.
Lee McGowan, CFA, CFP® |
Though tax policies haven’t received top billing in this year’s presidential election dialogue, they’re still part of the conversation. Here’s a quick review of each candidate’s tax proposals based on information released by their campaigns.