Spending your retirement years in a new country can be exciting, so long as you're prepared.
Instead of expending valuable energy on perennial uncertainties, we would suggest a more practical approach to managing portfolios.
Social Security and SSI benefits are increasing in 2023. Here’s what you need to know.
The 2023 Medicare changes are here, and for the first time in several years, some premiums are lower.
As your parents begin to settle into their final phase of life, their health, residence, and finances could become a factor in your retirement planning.
Your preconceived notions may be impacting your decision-making process. Thankfully, it’s possible to overcome them.
Many new retirees feel lost without their jobs. But often what these struggling retirees are really missing is the sense of purpose that their careers gave them.
Here are five ways that you and your spouse can make sure you agree on your household spending, avoid surprises, and maximize the Return on Life ™ your money provides.
In our previous quarterly letter, we wrote about “Life and Optimism” and added the saying from the Life is Good Company, “Life is not easy, life is not perfect, but life is good.”
Teens are adults in training and an important part of your family's financial picture. Help them build good habits so they're ready for the future.
Knowing both your financial and emotional risk tolerance could be vital to your portfolio performance.
As your parents age, they may become less capable of managing their own finances. Here are some ways to approach the subject.